Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question about Alberta Netcare Portal? Browse the Alberta Netcare Portal Frequently Asked Questions below. Select a topic below and click on it to show all relevant FAQs to the topic. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for below, review the ANP landing page.


What is Alberta Netcare?

Alberta Netcare is the provincial Electronic Health Record (EHR) system and all the initiatives related to the provincial EHR.

What information is in Alberta Netcare Portal?

Data is regularly becoming available via Alberta Netcare Portal (ANP):
  • Patient Demographics
  • Medications (prescriptions, dispense information, allergies & intolerances)
  • Lab Results
  • Immunizations
  • Diagnostic Imaging Data
  • Community reports
  • Transcribed Reports
  • Patient Event History

When new sources of data become available, a Data Availability Table is updated; you can find the most recent Data Availability Table on the ANP login page under the “General Information” tab.

What are my privacy and confidentiality responsibilities when using Alberta Netcare Portal?

You are accountable to anything done under your username and password. It is essential to only access the patient data you need to complete your job; you should not access your family’s, friends’, coworkers’, neighbours’, or even your own data.

When you do access patient data, keep it confidential.   

The system is audited routinely and randomly by Alberta Health; and your work site may also request an audit. Breach of confidentiality policies will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination and/or large fines.

For more information on Privacy and Security in Alberta Netcare Portal, access the Privacy & Security  page.

Should I use AHS or Community access?

When your Alberta Netcare Portal (ANP) User Registration Form was submitted, the site you work at was designated as either an AHS facility or community site. To determine which one was designated, consider the guidelines:
  • AHS Site: A facility such as a hospital or the Alberta Cancer Board where users have access to ANP via the AHS secure network, which is considered a trusted zone
  • Community Site: A facility such as a physician office, clinic or pharmacy that is not part of the AHS secure network. Users at these sites access ANP using the public internet – which is an untrusted zone. Thus, these users must use a token (an additional layer of security) to access ANP.

What tools are available to help me navigate Alberta Netcare Portal?

  • Alberta Netcare Learning Centre: This website provides Quick Reference documents which are step-by-step guides for specific functions. Select the subject you are interested in and click “Quick Reference” on the side navigation menu. The Learning Centre also contains FAQs and eDemos.
  • Online Help: Within Alberta Netcare Portal (ANP) applications, you can view more information by clicking the “Help” icon in the ANP Menu Bar.
  • Training Environment: This is a safe place to practise before you go into the live version of ANP. Access the Training Environment from the link on the ANP login page.

Logging in

How do I access Alberta Netcare Portal?

Alberta Netcare Portal (ANP) is launched via your web browser. The URL you use depends on whether you are accessing ANP from an AHS or community site.
  • AHS site: use the URL “
  • Community site: use the URL “” to get the Remote Access login page. Enter your username; this is typically your first and last name with no spaces and all lowercase (e.g., “marysimpson”). Next, enter your token passcode. After logging in, launch ANP by clicking on the ANP icon.

Once ANP is launched, enter your username and password to login (new users must call the Alberta Netcare Provincial Service Desk at 1-877-931-1638 to request a password). 

For more information on accessing ANP, visit the Access

Why do I see a Facility Selection box when I log in?

If you access Alberta Netcare Portal from more than one site (e.g., if you work at two different clinics or move around between pharmacy chain outlets), you will be prompted to select the facility where you are currently working from a drop-down list before clicking “OK.” If your facility is not listed or if there is a facility you no longer work at that needs to be removed, contact your Access Administrator.

What should I do if I see a “Session timeout” message when trying to access the Alberta Netcare Portal login page using a token?

Try the following solution:
  1. Click “Common” in the ANP Clinical Portal Menu
  2. Open “My Details”
  3. Use the “Inactivity Timeout” drop-down menu to select a longer timeout time
  4. Click “Update Preferences” to save your changes


If the above does not rectify the problem, contact the Provincial Help Desk .

Configuring the Homepage

How do I customize my Homepage?

You can customize your Homepage to display a number of viewing areas called “windowlets.” These windowlets can be configured to display various types of information – personally selected by each user. For more information, see the Configure & Navigate the Homepage ANP Quick Reference document

How do I display the Patient Search screen on my Homepage?

Follow these steps to display the Patient Search screen on your Homepage using windowlets:
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the Homepage and click the “Configure Layout” button
  2. In the windowlet where you want your patient search screen to display, click the drop-down arrow and select “Search for a Patient”
  3. Click “Update Layout”

How do I display a list of patients I recently viewed on my Homepage?

Your recently viewed patients are called “Recent Patients.” Follow these steps to configure a viewing area (windowlet) on your Homepage to display the Recent Patients list:
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the Homepage and click the “Configure Layout” button
  2. In the windowlet you want to configure, click the drop-down arrow to reveal a list of configuration options
  3. Select “Recent Patients”
  4. Click either “New Section to the Right” or “New Section Below,” depending on where you want the windowlet located on your Homepage
  5. Click “Update Layout”

How do I display a list of patients I have recently viewed using the Menu Bar?

Alberta Netcare Learning Centre: This website provides Quick Reference documents which are step-by-step guides for specific functions. Select the subject you are interested in and click “Quick Reference” on the side navigation menu. The Learning Centre also contains FAQs and eDemos.
•Online Help: Within Alberta Netcare Portal (ANP) applications, you can view more information by clicking the “Help” icon in the ANP Menu Bar.
•Training Environment: This is a safe place to practise before you go into the live version of ANP. Access the Training Environment from the link on the ANP login page.

Searching for a Patient

How do I display the Patient Search screen using the Menu Bar?

  1. Click “Search for a patient”
  2. Search by a patient name or identifier in the search criteria area, then click the “Search” button. Patients matching your search criteria are listed in the search results area.
  3. Click the patient’s name to open the patient’s health record

What are the best practices when searching for a patient?

  • Use an Identifier Type: The Identifier Type drop-down menu provides a number of different options (e.g., a PHN/ULI, AHS Medical Record Number, provincial health care number, or federal identifier), this is the search criteria most likely to yield a successful match. The ‘–‘ in the PHN/ULI is not required in the search bar.
  • Fill in as much patient demographic information as possible – use the patient’s first and last name, date-of-birth, and gender

Refer to the How to Locate a Patient's EHR Quick Reference document for further information.

How do I create a “Favourites” patient search?

The “Favourites” search function allows you to create a drop-down menu of patients whose record you access on a regular basis.

Follow these steps to create a “Favourite” Patient Search:

  1. Open the “Search for a patient” screen
  2. Type in the search criteria (name or identifier) for the patient you want to add
  3. Click on the “Enter a new favourite search” field and enter a name for drop-down menu
  4. Click the “+” button beside the name of the new search.

For further information on how to manage a Favourite Search, review the ANP Quick Reference document, How to Easily Access Patients in ANP.

Viewing Clinical Documents

How do I view a patient’s recent clinical documents only?

Open the Limited Documents tab to display the patient’s most recent 100 records/folder or last two years of data (whichever is less).

How do I view all my patient’s clinical documents?

You can display all of a patient’s available records in the Clinical Document Tree by clicking the “All Documents” icon in the “Context menu.”

Logging Out

How do I log out of Alberta Netcare Portal?

Alberta Netcare Portal (ANP) is launched via your web browser. The URL you use depends on whether you are accessing ANP from an AHS or community site.

AHS site: use the URL “

  • Community site: use the URL “” to get the Remote Access login page. Enter your username; this is typically your first and last name with no spaces and all lowercase (e.g., “marysimpson”). Next, enter your token passcode. After logging in, launch ANP by clicking on the ANP icon.

Once ANP is launched, enter your username and password to login (new users must call the Alberta Netcare Provincial Service Desk at 1-877-931-1638 to request a password).

For more information on accessing ANP, visit the Access page.  

When does ANP time out?

Alberta Netcare Portal (ANP) automatically times out after 30 minutes of inactivity by default – though this timeframe can be changed. You must login again after this timeframe to resume your work.
  • The logout button displays your last five minutes before it times out
  • During the last minute before you are logged out, the taskbar button flashes and a dialogue box will display on screen
  • You can cancel the countdown at any time by either clicking the “Cancel” button in the dialogue box or initiating any ANP activity


How do I change the time out interval?

Alberta Netcare Portal (ANP) automatically times out after 30 minutes of inactivity by default. Follow these steps to change this setting:
  • Click “Common” in the menu bar and then click “My Details”
  • Locate “Inactivity Timeout” and click the drop-down menu to choose the desired time interval

Click “Update Preferences”

If you require support, please visit our Contact Us page.