Alberta Netcare Masking

Masking Protects Patient Privacy in Alberta Netcare

Albertans have the option of “masking” their health information in Alberta Netcare. Masking limits when an Electronic Health Record can be accessed, but demographic information (such as their first and last name, date of birth, gender and personal health number) will still be available. This process enables authorized custodians and affiliates to actively consider an individual's expressed wish to keep their information private through Alberta Netcare.

Masking Card Infosheet explains masking in greater detail, including how to request a mask and how to rescind a mask.


Masking Card Infosheet explains masking in greater detail, including how to request a mask and how to rescind a mask.

Complete Application for Masking Form to begin the application process for requesting a mask, applying a mask, or refusing to authorize a mask. This document also contains important guidelines for the masking procedure.

Complete Authorization to Rescind Masking Form to begin the process of rescinding a patient’s mask. This document contains step-by-step instructions on handling requests by individuals and custodian-initiated authorization to rescind masking.

General questions on masking

How do I know if a patient's Electronic Health Record is masked?

In Alberta Netcare Portal, a lock icon next to the patient’s name on their Electronic Health Record indicates a mask is in place. Thus, it is not necessary to view lab and other data to determine if a mask is set.

Is a masked record in Alberta Netcare also masked in a physician's EMR?

No. Masking in Alberta Netcare does not mask health information in other electronic health information systems used by healthcare providers in Alberta.

What information is masked in Alberta Netcare?

All of the patient’s health information is masked with the exception of their demographic data (first and last name, date of birth, gender and personal health number). Demographic data stays unmasked because it is the minimum information required to ensure that the right patient record is accessed – allowing Alberta Netcare Portal users to differentiate between patients and find patients in instances of unmasking or rescinding a mask.

Where do I go for Alberta Netcare masking help?

For further information related to the masking process or for assistance filling out the form, contact the Health Information Act Help Desk at (780) 427-8089 or

Unmasking a patient record

If I unmask a patient’s record, can another Alberta Netcare Portal user view it?

No. Masked information is viewable only for the healthcare provider that unmasked the record. The patient will stay unmasked for 20 minutes after the session is logged off or closed. If the user signs back in within that window, the mask’s timer will reset.

My patient has given me permission to unmask their Electronic Health Record any time I need to. Is there a permanent unmask function?

No. Alberta Netcare clinicians must go through the unmasking process every time they access a masked record. This means meeting the requirements established in the Health Information Act, including but not limited to a date from which consent is active and a date that it will expire.

Apply a mask

What are best practices for applying/rescinding a mask on an individual's Electronic Health Record?

The custodian should 1) use the appropriate forms and 2) either meet with the individual in-person or by phone to discuss the benefits and risks of applying or rescinding a mask on their health information.  If a patient’s mask is rescinded without their consent, the custodian should inform them and mark the date and reason on the Authorization to Rescind Masking form.

Who has the authority to mask an individual's health information?

Only authorized custodians (such as Alberta Health Services and physicians/pharmacists) can respond to an individual’s request for masking.

Authorized custodians can also delegate affiliates who can authorize a masking request within their organizations; these affiliates must exercise due diligence and comply with their professional practice standards.

Authorized custodians assume liability for decisions made by affiliates regarding the authorization, refusal, and/or rescinding of masking within the organization.


If you have questions, please contact the eHealth Netcare Support Services team at 1-855-643-8649 or, or visit our Contact Us page to see a list of all Service Desks.