Central Patient Attachment Registry (CPAR) Panel Administrator
Central Patient Attachment Registry Panel Administrators (CPAR PA) are individuals within a clinic responsible for maintaining panel lists for Primary Providers uploading to CPAR (i.e. Registry) and for downloading reports from the registry. The CPAR PA may be the same person (or persons) who are already responsible for panel identification and maintenance within the clinic. If not, CPAR PAs will have to work closely with those responsible to ensure accurate panel lists are available.
Each panel will have an associated CPAR PA chosen as part of the CPAR registration process. One individual can be a Panel Administrator for multiple panels, (e.g. a clinic with several panels can appoint the same person to be Panel Administrator of all the panels) or each panel can have a different Panel Administrator.
CPAR PAs are assigned and managed using the CPAR Panel Administrator Registration Form which is signed by the CPAR Access Administrator and can be found here.
Click here to refer to the CPAR Panel Administrator Guide for information and instructions.
Click here to access Quick References for CPAR Users (Panel Administrators).
The eDemos below provide visual demonstrations on how to complete key tasks in the CPAR application.