Alberta Netcare Training
Training Webinar
eHealth Services offers ongoing live webinars for Alberta Netcare Portal (ANP), eReferral and AHS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users. Each 1 hour session includes a 45 minute presentation and 15 minutes for questions and review.
To register, simply click on the registration link under the session description that corresponds with your role or place of work, and select a time that works best for you.
ANP training for Physician Offices & Nurse Practice facilities
- Option 1: Sign up for a live ANP Webinar (60 min). Join a 45-minute session with a 15-minute Q&A every Monday at 12 PM.
- Option 2: Watch the ANP Training Video (22 min). Watch a quick, comprehensive video to understand ANP functionalities at your own pace.
ANP training for all other community facilities
- Option 1: Sign up for a live ANP Webinar (60 min). Join a 45-minute session with a 15-minute Q&A every Thursdays at 9 AM.
- Option 2: Watch the ANP Training Video (22 min). Watch a quick, comprehensive video to understand ANP functionalities at your own pace.
AHS IAM for community facilities
What: AHS IAM is an online registration process for access to Alberta Netcare Portal (ANP), including the Pharmaceutical Information Network (PIN) and Person Directory (PD). This session will show Primary Custodians and delegated Alberta Netcare Access Administrators (AA) how to use AHS IAM for community users.
Register on Tuesdays 9am.
Register on Thursdays 12pm.
eReferral training for Referring/Referring on Behalf of Providers
What: eReferral enables referring providers and their clinic support staff to create, submit, track and manage referrals electronically through ANP. This interactive session will explore best practices for navigating and using eReferral.
Register on Tuesdays at 12pm (full overview of eReferral functionality)