IAM eDemos / Videos

eDemos provide visual demonstrations on how to complete key tasks in the application. The following eDemos are focused on Community IAM and it's main components. Hover-over a topic of interest for a brief description and click on the link to open the eDemo.

First IAM Log In

An overview of how to log in to IAM for the first time

Create a Netcare Account

How to request a Netcare account for a community user

Netcare Credential Retrieval

How to retrieve a Netcare credential after it has been requested.

Modify or Remove Netcare access

Reviews how to change or remove Netcare access


Reactivate an inactive Netcare user

Reactivate a previous Netcare user who no longer  has access

Retrieving a list of Existing users and Authorised Approvers at a facility


Retrieving a list of Existing users and Authorised Approvers at a facility