Frequently Asked Questions
User Registration and Account Access
Why haven’t I received my IDSM credentials yet?
Do I need an RSA SecurID token to access the Immunization Direct Submission Mechanism (IDSM)?
Token requests are included in user access requests. For more information, visit the Community Remote Access Page.
Do I need an IDSM account for each of my facilities?
Access to IDSM will not be disabled unless all facilities associated with an ID have submitted a removal request.
How do I update my IDSM user ID (e.g., name or email)?
Do I need to inform anyone of staff changes?
If that person is associated with multiple facilities, their ID will not be disabled until all the facilities they are associated with have submitted the same request.
System access and integration
Is there a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) pre-requisite for IDSM?
Do I need access to Alberta Vaccine Inventory (AVI) system to access IDSM or vice versa?
Data Entry
How do I correct mistakes submitted in IDSM?
Use the subject line “Immunization Data Correction <enter site name>”
2. Copy and paste the table below into the body of your email. Do not include any personal information.
How to complete the table:
- Use one row for each data correction to be made
- If any personal information needs to be corrected, Alberta Health will call to obtain this information
- “Batch Number” refers to the number that displays on the page when you click “Submit” in the green bar
- “Date Batch Submitted” refers to the date you clicked “Submit” on the record you need to change
- “Field where mistake was made” refers to the label of the field where you made the mistake (e.g., Reason for immunization)
- “Change requested” refers to a short description about what the correct value should be (e.g., Change reason for immunization to "occupational")
3. Provide contact information for the most suitable person to address inquiries related to this error.
Include the following:
- Person's Name
- Phone Number
- Email Address
If you have additional questions on this topic, contact eHealth Services Provider Support at 1-855-643-8649 or
What should I do if I am missing a value in the drop-down lists in IDSM (e.g., Vaccine, Reason for Immunization)?
What should I do if the historical immunization record for my patient is incomplete, illegible or in a language I cannot read?
I immunized a patient who does not have a Personal Health Number (PHN) or Unique Lifetime Identifier (ULI) (e.g., an international student); can I record this using IDSM?
Can I use Community Information Integration (CII) & Central Patient Attachment Registry (CPAR) to upload immunization information to the Community Encounter Digest (CED)?
When administering a COVID-19 Immunization, do I submit its information on IDSM or to Alberta Health?
What is the difference between a historical immunization event and an immunization event?
An immunization event is an immunization that was administered in your clinic and/or to which you have access to the clinical documentation (even if it occurred in the past).
Is my name associated with the dose provided when entering the immunization into the IDSM?
Reporting procedures
Do I have to report all immunizations (including travel immunizations)?
Do immunizations need to be reported if service providers do not receive their vaccine supply from Alberta Health?
Are health care providers required to report an assessment if the appointment is cancelled or the individual does not show up to the appointment?
A cancelled immunization appointment should be rebooked, but nothing needs to be entered into IDSM to signify a missed appointment.