Person Directory
Person Directory (PD) is an application within the Alberta Netcare Electronic Health Record (EHR) that delivers person-identifiable demographic and eligibility information to authorized health care providers. Within PD, authorized users can; search for a person, view demographic information, add or update a person's demographic information and check eligibility for health care coverage.
PD is an essential building block in the development of the Alberta Netcare EHR. PD evolved from the Provincial Personal Health Identifier (PPHI) initiative that promoted the use of a standard identifier (Unique Lifetime Identifier or ULI) across the Alberta health care system. The Unique Lifetime Identifier (ULI) is referred to as the Alberta Personal Health Number (PHN) when the person becomes eligible for basic coverage with the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP).
Note: PD is considered the source of truth for Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan coverage (eligibility).
Person Directory Access
Access to Alberta Netcare and Person Directory is based on the user's role and profession. Access permissions are set up to ensure you have enough information available to you to do your job, and that information is accessed only on a need-to-know basis. An authorized user is a Custodian or Affiliate who has been granted security access. Generally, this is the person who, in the normal course of their duties, has a need to:
- View PD Information
- View Newborn Information
- Add/ Update PD Information
- Add/ Update Newborn Information
According to the HIA, an affiliate includes:
- Employees of a custodian.
- Any person that performs a service for a custodian (agent, appointee, volunteer or student).
- Health care providers who can admit/ treat patients at hospitals and other health care practitioners with formal access to hospital resources.
Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP)
Health coverage for all new and returning Alberta residents to receive insured hospital and physician services.
According to the HIA, a custodian includes:
- Hospital boards, nursing home operators, provincial health boards, Alberta cancer care centres, etc.
- Health care provider paid under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) to provide health services.
- Licensed pharmacy and/or pharmacist.
Person Directory (PD)
The web-enabled application that delivers person identifiable demographic and eligibility information to authorized health care providers.
Personal Health Number (PHN)
Identifier issued to Albertans who are eligible for basic coverage with the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan. This number is the same as the ULI (if applicable).
Provincial Personal Health Identifier (PPHI)
The Provincial Personal Health Identifier (PPHI) identifies each person who receives health services in Alberta. The identifier is unique to each person and remains the same over the person’s lifetime. The PPHI can be used to collect demographic information and is a key foundation in the development of Alberta’s electronic health record system.
Unique Lifetime Identifier (ULI)
A number assigned to a health care patient for identification by Alberta Health (AH). This number changes to a Personal Health Number (PHN) when patients have Alberta Health Insurance Plan coverage.