Welcome to the new eReferral Learning Hub
eReferral is an electronic referral management system that allows users to create, submit, track and manage referrals through Alberta Netcare. It leverages information already in Alberta Netcare like demographics and diagnostic imaging into a referral form that can be saved as a draft, checked for completeness and tracked as it’s submitted, received, triaged and scheduled for an appointment.
Providers can submit either an eConsult (previously called an Advice Request) for non-urgent medical questions answered by a specialist within five calendar days or a Referral (previously called a Consult Request) for a non-urgent request for an in-person specialist appointment.
For your information: The Alberta Facilitated Access to Specialized Treatment (FAST) program has been implemented provincially and is accepting surgical referrals for some specialties. When a FAST referral is submitted, it is entered into eReferral for tracking and referral management and then assigned to an appropriate surgeon for triage.
In the future, eReferral training materials will be updated to include FAST information.
We value your feedback! Please take a moment to share your thoughts and feedback on our website, so we can continue to enhance your experience.

Who can use eReferral?
eReferral is for physicians and clinical support staff who submit on their behalf. If you have Alberta Netcare access, you likely can submit an eReferral request.
Why should I use eReferral?
eReferral has many benefits that can promote patient safety, reduce patient wait times and keep consistent standards. Explore the
eReferral Benefits.
Where can I go for training resources?
Choose your role from the menu to discover available eReferral resources.
To request training, contact the eHealth Services Provider Support at 1-855-643-8649, or email eHealthProviderSupport@gov.ab.ca, Monday to Friday from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
For general eReferral inquiries, email access.ereferral@ahs.ca. Please note that we do not accept or discuss patient referrals via this email address. |