Release Notes
On June 15, A new radio button option called "Document redacted due to content updates-decommissioned system." has been added to the Result Investigation Management (RIM) screen for decommissioned systems. A new table called "Not Immunized Events" has been added to the Provincial Immunization History page. In addition, changes to eReferral were made including adding reason for referral to all FAST letters, new workflow options added to Advice and Consult Request workflows, and the removal of Nephrology – Sheldon M. Chumir Centre facility.
For detailed information, view the release notes.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release – May 18, 2023 Updates
On May 18, 2023, a number of eReferral updates were made including adding a new Family Medicine specialty to eReferral Advice Request. Additional changes to the eReferral worklists, Consult Request referral form and Facilitated Access to Specialized Treatment (FAST) letters were also included.
For more information, view the release notes.

Alberta Health Alberta Netcare Portal Release – February 23, 2023
eReferral Enhancements:
On February 23, 2023, Alberta Netcare eReferral updates were implemented that affect referring, receiving and triage users. Key highlights include Consult Request referral form changes, a new option for Provider Notifications, FAST program additions, and workflow and dashboard updates.
For detailed information, view the release notes.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release - November 17, 2022
Netcare Enhancements:
- Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome browsers are now supported
- Clinical (transcribed) documents may appear as non-viewable at a patient's request
- Certain lab tests that were displayed in Text format are now displayed in numeric format
- Lab flowsheet performance has been improved
For detailed information, view the release notes.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release - May 28, 2022
The following changes are required for the Connect Care Wave 4 Launch.
Users need to update Care Units in My Details for Royal Alexandra Hospital and Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
- The names of the Royal Alexandra Hospital and Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital and respective Care Units need to be updated in the user’s My Details in order to see patients associated with the specific site and units.
- Names for programs within Patient Lists have changed for Royal Alexandra Hospital and Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
- The names for programs within the ‘Program – Inpatients’ and ‘Program – Outpatients’ patient lists have changed for the Royal Alexandra Hospital and Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital.
If a Care Unit or Program is no longer listed in the appropriate dropdown list, Community Alberta Netcare users (outside AHS) can contact the Provincial Helpdesk at 1-877-931-1638 to have it added to the dropdown list, while AHS employees please contact 1-877-311-4300.
New Note type from Connect Care – Exceptional Care Plan
- The Exceptional Care Plan is used to document unique considerations that cause care for an individual to depart from standard pathways, or care that may require very specific instructions for future providers. The Exceptional Care Plan is located in the ‘Care Plan for ED’ folder on the CDV Tree.
For detailed information, view the release notes.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release - April 21, 2022
Decommissioning of the ‘Deceased’ Note type from Connect Care
The ‘Deceased’ Note type has been decommissioned within Connect Care. The appropriate workflow for documenting a patient who is deceased will be to use a Discharge Summary Note Type which will display in the Discharge/Transfer Summaries folder within Netcare.
Display Primary Provider from Central Patient Attachment Registry (CPAR)
If a relationship between the patient and a provider exists in the CPAR registry, the patient’s primary provider(s) will display on the left side of the patient header below the patient’s Date of Birth.
For detailed information, view the release notes.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release - February 24, 2022
eReferral: Long COVID-19 added to eReferral Consult Request
A new reason for referral and three new facilities have been added to Internal Med – Pulmonary Medicine to support the onboarding of the Long COVID-19 Interprofessional Outpatient Program to eReferral Consult Request.
For detailed information, view the release notes.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release - January 20, 2022
Netcare Enhancements:
New COVID-19 Treatment Folder
- A new Netcare folder contains Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) treatment (Sotrovimab) reports for COVID-19
Launch Connect Care Provider Portal (CCPP) from Netcare
Netcare users with the following Netcare Access roles can open into a patient’s context in CCPP.
- Admin 1-3
- Clinical 1, 2, 4, 8, 9
- Pharmacy 2, 5
For detailed information, view the release notes.

Alberta Netcare Portal Release - October 21, 2021
eReferral Enhancements:
A number of enhancements were made to Alberta Netcare eReferral to improve the platform and make it easier to use for users.
For detailed information, view the release notes.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release - September 23, 2021
eReferral: Dermatology – Southern Alberta added to eReferral Advice Request
On September 23, 2021, Dermatology – Southern Alberta was added to eReferral Advice Request in the Central (Red Deer and south), Calgary and South Zones. It is now accepting Dermatology issue and Paediatrics dermatology issue reasons for referral.
For detailed information, view the release notes.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release - September 16, 2021
Lab Result Names are Standardized
When applicable, result titles will include local and standard names.
Tip: The Search function is a valuable tool for quickly locating lab result that have name or folder location changes.
Lab Results are Consolidated into the Same Folder
Similar lab results, previously displayed in multiple folders in the Clinical Document Viewer (CDV) Tree will now display in the same folder.
Molecular Pathology Results in New CDV Tree Folder
All Molecular Pathology results are now located in a new CDV Tree folder called “Molecular Pathology.”
Consolidated Provincial Flowsheet Groups Results in Categories
Legacy Edmonton, Calgary, and Rural flowsheets are consolidated into one Provincial Flowsheet which is grouped by CDV Tree categories.
For detailed information on these topics and other improvements, view the release notes.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release - August 26, 2021
Netcare Enhancements:
Connect Care Notes CDV tree titles for Notes from Connect Care to include the visit type.
Connect Care Notes will display the clinical visit type, such as "Emergency", "Inpatient " or "Outpatient" in the CDV tree title rather than the provider name.
Connect Care’s Notes will be filtered by provider type.
Connect Care notes will only be sent to Netcare when the author or co-signer has a Provider Type that matches the list provided in the Release Notes.
DI report to include notification of critical results.
DI reports will now display added information in the report body when the procedure interpreter deems it necessary.
DI Preliminary Addendums are now available in Netcare.
eReferral Enhancements:
New facility added to eReferral Advice Request in the Calgary Zone
Neurology – Calgary Stroke Program has been added as a new facility accepting eReferral Advice Requests in the Calgary Zone. Providers can submit non-urgent questions under the Stroke management issue reason for referral and will receive a response from a specialist within five calendar days.
For detailed information, view the release notes.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release - July 22, 2021
eReferral Enhancement: New pediatric reasons for referral added to eReferral Advice Request
Dermatology – Northern Alberta added Pediatric dermatology issue as a new Advice Request reason for referral in the North, Edmonton and Central Zones. Paediatrics – Community Paediatrics also added Plagiocephaly(headshape) issue as a new Advice Request reason for referral in the Calgary Zone.
Quick references on how to submit an Advice Request are available online. A list of specialties and their reasons for referral be found here. For additional training support, please contact the eHealth Netcare Support Services team at 1-855-643-8649 or email
Alberta Netcare Portal Release - June 17, 2021
Netcare Enhancements:
AHS Diagnostic Imaging reports header to display the Ordering provider, Reason for Study, and Accession number
Netcare AHS DI report header enhancement includes four AHS groups: Rural Meditech RIS, Epic Radiant, Calgary Cerner Millenium RIS, & Edmonton Agfa RIS. Three data elements are now consistently viewable, and one is removed from view; the “Attending Provider” is no longer displayed in the AHS DI report header. The AHS Diagnostic Imaging reports header change was requested by the Alberta Health Services (AHS) Diagnostic Imaging (DI) Area Council, which is the provincial governing body for AHS DI.
Enhancement Changes to the AHS DI report header:
1. Display Ordering Provider
2. Do not display the Attending Provider.
3. Add Accession Number to the header
4. Add Reason for StudyNOTE: When existing in the report body, the details listed will continue to present as before.
The accession number is viewable in the CDV Tree report title tool tip
When you hover the cursor over a CDV Tree result title and data is available, the accession number is viewable in the tool tip.
Patient Event History Page Has Date Range Search Options
The ability to change the date range of patient events is now possible. Users can temporarily customize the date range on the Patient Event History page. To view the customized patient event history the user changes the start and end dates and then presses the Search button.
eReferral Enhancements:
Several enhancements were made to various eReferral workflows and Advice and Consult Request referral forms. A complete list of specialties and their reasons for referral is available online.
For detailed information, view the release notes.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release - May 27, 2021
eReferral – New facility added to eReferral Advice Request in the Calgary Zone for Surgery – General Surgery
On May 27, 2021, Surgery – General Surgery – Calgary Zone was added as a new facility accepting the following eReferral Advice Request reasons for referral:
• Colorectal issue
• Suspected breast cancer issue
• Benign breast tumor issue
• Hernia issue
• Gallbladder issue
• Suspected gastrointestinal cancer issue
• Other general surgery issue
Breast health issue is also available as an Advice Request reason for referral in the Calgary Zone through the Foothills Medical Centre – Women’s Health Centre – General Surgery facility.
For quick references guides and e-training videos on how to submit an Advice and Consult Request, go online. A list of specialties and their reasons for referral be found here. For training support, please contact the eHealth Netcare Support Services team at 1-855-643-8649 or email |
Alberta Netcare Portal Release - March 25, 2021
eReferral Enhancements: Changes to Internal Med - Adult GI eReferral Consult Request Requirements
On March 25, 2021, changes were made to the following Internal Med – Adult Gastroenterology eReferral Consult Request reasons for referral requirements in the Edmonton Zone:
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection
Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) positive finding
For this information, visit the Health Services Catalogue in Alberta Netcare eReferral. To review the associated clinical pathways, go online.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release – March 18, 2021
Netcare Enhancements:
- All COVID-19 results are now filing to one Netcare folder, Microbiology; results previously filed to the Chemistry folder are now in the Microbiology folder.
- Netcare CDV Tree Procedure Date now matches the Connect Care Outpatient Letter “Date of Visit” in the letter body.
For detailed information, view the release notes.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release – January 28, 2021 eReferral - Edmonton Zone Urology Changes
On January 28, 2021, Incontinence was re-added as an Edmonton Zone Urology Consult Request reason for referral. In addition, changes were made to the requirements when creating a Urology Consult Request for Hematuria microscopic (greater than 3 rbc/hpf) and Peyronies Disease reasons for referral. For these important updates, please visit the Health Services Catalogue from the eReferral menu in Alberta Netcare.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release – January 21, 2021
eReferral Enhancements:
Internal Med – Clinical Pharmacology was added as a new specialty to eReferral Advice Request province-wide. This new specialty and facility will offer five new reasons for referral, including:
1. Suspected adverse drug effects
2. Medication regimen/management issue
3. Drug discontinuation syndrome
4. Drug interaction
5. Polypharmacy/overprescribing
For detailed information, view the release notes.
Reminder: keep your email address current in Netcare “My Details” because this address is used for ANP Outage notifications, eReferral updates, Provider Notifications and as an alternate for remote access expiry notifications.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release – December 2020 eReferral Advice Request Updates
On December 3, 2020, Calgary Zone Neurology added Stroke management issue as a new Advice Request reason for referral.
In addition, Internal Med – Infectious Disease– STI was added to eReferral Advice Request province-wide. Providers can submit non-urgent questions about STI-related issues and receive a response from a Clinical Development Nurse within five calendar days. Common STI-related topics you can submit an Advice Request for are:
• Syphilis
• Gonorrhea
• Chlamydia/Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV)
• Non-gonococcal Urethritis
• Mucopurulent Cervicitis
• STI/HIV testing
• STI treatment
• STI/HIV partner notification
• STI medication replacement
• STI reporting requirements
Quick references and e-training videos on how to submit an Advice and Consult Request are available online. A list of specialties and their reasons for referral be found here. For training support, please contact the eHealth Netcare Support Services team at 1-855-643-8649 or email
Alberta Netcare Portal Release – November 19, 2020
Netcare Enhancements:
- Netcare Results Viewer and Portal Upgrade service packs to fix known issues in the backend and not apparent to Netcare users.
- Clinical Document filter and search enhancements available to Netcare users when in a patient record.
- Favorite Search can now be saved with more lab tests.
For detailed information, view the release notes.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release – October 15, 2020
Netcare Enhancements:
In an effort to manage inappropriate/unnecessary information displaying in Netcare, the following Connect Care Note Types will display a cancelled status in the Netcare CDV Tree as of October 15, 2020.
Transfer Note
ED Procedure Note
Anesthesia Post-Procedure Evaluation
Trauma Tertiary Assessment
Radiation Completion Note
For detailed information, view the release notes.

Alberta Netcare eReferral – Updates to eReferral Advice Request – September 24, 2020
As of Sept. 24, 2020, referring providers will notice some additions to eReferral Advice Request, including:
- Surgery – General Surgery is now available for Advice Request in the North Zone
- Advice Request has been expanded to the Central Zone for Nephrology
Also, Advice Request reasons for referral for Orthopaedic Surgery have been deactivated at the following facilities:
- Dr. Baburam’s Clinic (in Bonnyville) – North Zone
- Dr. Lategan’s Clinic (in Westlock) - North Zone
- Surgical Optimization Clinic (in Medicine Hat) – South Zone
Important notes about this Orthpaedic Surgery change:
- Consult Request is still available for Orthopaedic Surgery at these facilities.
- Orthopaedic Surgery is available province-wide for Advice Request. To submit a request, choose the Zone you are in and the appropriate reason for referral (i.e. ankle, elbow, foot, hip, knee, shoulder and wrist issue).
For training support, contact eHealth Netcare Support Services at 1-855-643-8649 or email
Please refer to this Release Notes document to get all details on the eReferral updates. A complete list of specialties and their reasons for referral is available online.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release - September 17, 2020
Netcare Enhancements:
- Connect Care procedure (twenty-three specialties) reports to be displayed in Netcare Portal's CDV Tree folder including cardiology and rheumatology.
- Connect Care Cupid echo type reports will be viewable in the Diagnostic Imaging folder.
The Release Notes document provides a detailed outline of those changes above for September 17, 2020.
Alberta Netcare eReferral Changes Made to Oncology – Lung Cancer Reasons for Referral: August 31, 2020
Starting Aug. 31, 2020, referring providers will see some changes to Oncology – Lung Cancer Consult Request reasons for referral in all Zones, including:
- Superior Vena Cava Obstruction, Metastases brain and Metastases bone (symptomatic) Consult Request reasons for referral have been deactivated. Providers will no longer be able to submit Consult Requests for these Oncology – Lung Cancer reasons for referral.
Important note: Superior Vena Cava Obstruction, Metastases brain and Metastases bone (symptomatic) reasons for referral are still available for Oncology – Breast Cancer Consult Requests.
- The following Oncology – Lung Cancer Consult Request reasons for referral are being renamed:
- Mesothelioma to Malignant pleural mesothelioma
- Thymoma/Thymic Cancer to Thymoma
A complete list of specialties and their reasons for referral is available online. For quick references, visit the Alberta Netcare Learning Centre. For training support, contact the eHealth Netcare Support Services team at 1-855-643-8649 or email For more information about eReferral, go online.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release – August 20, 2020
Netcare Enhancements:
- Encounters/Events submitted into Netcare from Connect Care have been evaluated and addressed in multiple phases since November 3, 2019. As of August 20, 2020, Connect Care’s "Appointment Check-in Events" by department will filter out events that should not go to Netcare.
- Netcare Portal “My Details” has a new date field to specify the oldest date that will display in the “Patient Event History” screen. As of August 20, 2020, the Oldest Admission Date in My Details is the default oldest date on all patient records. For detailed information, view the release notes.
Netcare Known Issue:
Patient Event History presentation is not formatted in IE11 when large number of events. The issue is evident when the patient record in focus has approximately one-thousand Patient History Events, then the details will display without formatting (xml code). The solution is to display less events; the work around is to set a later admission date.
A change was made August 20, 2020 to allow users a way to modify the date from within the My Details page if the Patient Event History formatting error occurs. For work around information, view the release notes.
Alberta Netcare eReferral Updates to Advice Request and Consult Request: July 24, 2020
On July 24, 2020, Clinical and Metabolic Genetic Services was added to eReferral Advice Request and is accepting non-urgent questions from the Calgary, Central (Red Deer and south) and South Zones. In addition, Internal Med – Geriatric Medicine is now accepting Advice Requests in the Edmonton and North Zones.
Changes to Consult Requests for Edmonton Zone Urology were also made in July 2020, including disabling five Consult Request reasons for referral and some referral requirement updates. For this information, view the release notes.
A complete list of specialties and their reasons for referral is available online: For quick references, visit the Alberta Netcare Learning Centre at For training support, contact the eHealth Netcare Support Services team at 1-855-643-8649 or email
For more information about eReferral, go to
Resident and Medical Student notes from Connect Care are now available in Alberta Netcare - July 16, 2020
On July 16th, 2020, Alberta Netcare Notes authored by Residents and Medical Students in Connect Care with a status of “Cosign Needed” or “Cosign Needed Addendum” are available in Netcare. The missing notes were generated in Connect Care from Nov 4, 2019 to April 24, 2020.
The following Notes Types authored by Residents and Medical Students in either of the above statuses are available in Alberta Netcare:
- History and Physical
- Consults
- Discharge Summary
- Deceased Note
- ED Provider Note
- Op Note (operative note)
- Labour and Delivery Note
Alberta Netcare Portal Release - June 22, 2020
The following Connect Care letter templates will be used by Neurosurgery and Urology specialties to send Procedure letters to the Operative/Procedure/Investig'n folder in Netcare:
*Additional templates will be added in the near future.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release Announcement - June 18, 2020
Connect Care has added new functionality to send specific letter templates to Netcare.
Lab Results moved from Chemistry to Toxicology Folder
Lab Results moved from Hematology to Pathology Folder
eReferral Release Updates
New Reasons for Referral added to Internal Med – Adult Gastroenterology
Internal Med - Geriatric Medicine - Calgary Zone added to Advice Request
The Release Notes document provides a detailed outline of those changes above for June 18, 2020.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release Announcement - April 30, 2020
- History and Physical Notes from Connect Care reintroduced to Netcare
- Relocation of Echo Results and ECG Folder Name Change
- Updated ED Treatment Plans
The Release Notes document provides a detailed outline of those changes above for April 30, 2020.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release Announcement - April 24, 2020
Resident and Medical Student notes from Connect Care are now available in Alberta Netcare
Notes authored by Residents and Medical Students in Connect Care with a status of “Cosign Needed” or “Cosign Needed Addendum” are available in Netcare starting the afternoon of April 24, 2020. Notes written by Residents and Medical Students prior to the afternoon on April 24, 2020 will be added to Netcare in the near future. Please refer to the Release Notes for more information.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release Announcement - January 20, 2020
1. To better limit the summative documentation reports which are sent from Connect Care to Netcare, the following 6 Note Types are the only In Patient reports Netcare receives from Connect Care:
- Consults
- Discharge Summary
- Deceased Note
- ED Provider Note
- Op Note (operative note)
- Labour and Delivery Note
In the near future, these 6 Note Types will be limited to the following clinicians: Physician, Nurse Practitioner and Midwife.
2. Connect Care encounters which are not clinically relevant to Netcare’s Event History or contain inappropriate information will be removed in multiple phases. Beginning with events that do not provide valuable clinical data to our users.
The Release Notes document provides a detailed outline of those changes above for Jan 20, 2020.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release Announcement - November 3, 2019
This Alberta Netcare Release supports Connect Care implementation on November 3, 2019.
- The Release Notes document provides a detailed outline of the changes, including the known issues related to Connect Care Wave 1 Go-Live and its related links to appropriate documents.
Alberta Netcare Portal Release Announcement - Oct 17 & 24, 2019
There were two releases (Oct 17 & Oct 24) that occurred to Alberta Netcare.
The changes are a result of the new the Clinical Information System (CIS) that AHS will be using, called Connect Care.
Some changes that you will see in Netcare are:
- Flowsheets and cumulative are moving to consolidated provincial views
- Flowsheets and cumulative will have a search function
- Gender X will be introduced
- eReferral document linking functionality has been consolidated
- Some test results will use a different format or test result codes
- Additional clinical documents and note types will be available
- Folders will be kept as close as possible to their current state in an effort to keep documents and results organized in the format clinicians are accustomed to use.
The Release Notes document provides a detailed outline of the Oct 17 & 24, 2019 ANP combined release note.
For a quick overview:
For more detailed information:
For any questions or concerns, please contact the eHealth Netcare Support Services at 1-855-643-8649 or
Alberta Netcare Portal Upgrade Announcement - June 13, 2019
A new release of the Alberta Netcare Portal (ANP) is planned for June 13, 2019. Intended to address clinicians’ feedback post November 2018 ANP upgrade, enhancements included in this release will enable users to:
1) Customize the Flowsheet/Cumulative Tooltip
2) Enhance CDV Tree display
3) Customize CDV Tree Tooltip preferences
The Release Notes document provides a detailed outline of the June 13, 2019 ANP release.
For instructions on how to customize your ANP preference settings please view the Customize User Preferences Quick Reference. Customization settings relevant to this release can be found on pages 1 and 4.
Alberta Netcare Portal Upgrade Announcement - November 29, 2018
A change to the look of Alberta Netcare Portal (ANP) is planned for November 29, 2018. Although the new ANP may appear to look quite different, the key functionality that you are currently using will remain the same. Several documents and videos have been created to prepare you in using the new system.
For a quick overview:
For more detailed information:
For updated learning materials:
- Please be aware that updates to materials in the Alberta Netcare Learning Centre are currently in progress. If you have any questions please contact eHealth Support Services Team at 1-855-643-8649 or
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